2020 Campaign Update!

The United Way for Clinton County is proud to project with confidence a 2020
Campaign total of $467,000, which surpasses the campaign goal of $440,000 by
$27,000 and the 2019 campaign by $53,000. When the campaign began during
this unprecedented year of pandemic, with industry shut downs, job loss and
uncertainly, the Campaign Cabinet knew the needs would be great and they
weren’t afraid of working hard to meet as many of those needs as possible.

The generosity of so many people, both with time and monetary gifts, shows that
the people of Clinton County have big hearts and are willing to work for the
health, education and financial stability of everyone in Clinton County.

Our theme this year was that of asking persons to put on the cape and become a
Super Hero and so many did just that. Some important statistics include the
addition of 418 new donors and over 200 of the past year’s donors increased their
donation. These two facts are very important because they allowed us to claim a
match from the Lily Foundation through Indiana United Way for an additional
$70,000 over the Campaign total, which together is $537,000.

Thank you to all donors, individuals, business and industry! So many have been
donors for years and years including businesses like The Farmers Bank and
Industries like Donaldson and Frito Lay and our individual leadership givers with
donations of $1000 or more, thank you. NHK joined us this year for their first
employee campaign and thank you also to the donor that gave $5 as those five
dollars will make a difference as United Way provides funds for feeding hungry
people, early childcare and learning opportunities, mentoring school age children,
supporting senior citizens, tackling mental illness and homelessness. Thank you
to all the Clinton County Super Heroes for being there for each other and giving
United Way for Clinton County the funds to meet our mission in building a
stronger, healthier and more educated Clinton County.